新作映像 / NEW MOVIE

ALL IS YOUR LIFE #4 作曲家・プロデューサー・DJ  山中透

シリーズ第4回目は作曲家・プロデューサー・DJ の山中透さんです。

山中さんはダムタイプの立ち上げメンバーでもあり、いまも続く伝説的なドラッグクイーン・イベント「Diamonds Are Forever」の主催者、DJでもあり、演出家オン・ケンセンのシアターワークスの音楽監督も務め、他にもインスタレーションやファッションブランドの音楽・音響、自身のLIVEなど、様々な活動をされています。








2本目はパフォーマンスとインスタレーションによる公演「齢 instar 01」の音楽と音響について。





山中透 / Toru Yamanaka



The fourth installment of the series features composer, producer, and DJ Toru Yamanaka.

Yamanaka is one of the founding members of the renowned art collective Dumb Type, as well as the organizer and DJ of the legendary drag queen event Diamonds Are Forever, which continues to this day. He also serves as the music director for director Ong Keng Sen’s company, TheatreWorks. Beyond these roles, he is involved in creating music and sound design for installations and fashion brands, while also performing his own live shows, engaging in a wide range of creative activities.

Between July and October 2022, we conducted multiple interviews and filming sessions to document Yamanaka’s wide-ranging activities.


Through this, we aim to introduce his creative processes, philosophies, and the unique appeal of the music and soundscapes he has crafted.


This time, the first and second episodes are being released simultaneously.


The first episode serves as a prologue about Toru Yamanaka. It explores why Yamanaka prefers not to call himself a musician and delves into his unique approach to music creation.


The second episode focuses on the music and sound design for the performance and installation-based production 齢 instar 01. The video offers insight into Yamanaka’s thoughts and approaches to live performances and stage productions as living art forms.


Please enjoy watching.


[ 略歴 ]


1989 年より現在も続く日本初のドラァグクイーンイベント「Diamonds Are Forever」の主催、DJ を務め、京都METRO 他、大阪、東京などで 開催、DJ を務める。

2006 年 シンガポールシアター芸術監督 Ong Keng Sen「Geisha」で、シンガポール チャイニーズオーケストラとの共演、2009 年「Diaspora」エジンバラ・フェスティバル公演 (スコットランド)、2010 年 ライティングアーティスト 髙橋匡太平田晃久らとの共同作品「CANON NEOREAL 2010」をミラノサローネ (イタリア)で発表など、2000 年以降、世界中のアーティストとコラボレートを行っている。





During his student years, Toru Yamanaka was active in the experimental music scene based in Kyoto. He participated in the founding of the multimedia performance group dumbtype and, as an early member, was responsible for music and sound design during the group’s formative years.


Since 1989, he has been the organizer and DJ of Diamonds Are Forever, Japan’s first drag queen event, which continues to this day. The event has been held at Kyoto METRO and in other cities such as Osaka and Tokyo, where he also performs as a DJ.


Since 2000, he has collaborated with artists worldwide on projects.


In 2006, he performed in Geisha by Singaporean theater director Ong Keng Sen, collaborating with the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. In 2009, he participated in Diaspora at the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland. In 2010, he co-created CANON NEOREAL 2010 with lighting artist Kyota Takahashi and architect Akihisa Hirata, presenting the work at Milan Salone in Italy.

In 2020, he participated in the Dumb Type performance 2020 and has also been actively performing solo concerts.